Financial Abuse - How it Impacts Mums

By Demelza Desforges - MIN Ambassador, 21.01.24

Financial abuse, a sinister weapon in the arsenal of coercive control and post-separation abuse, often goes unnoticed. It silently steals a woman's independence, leaving her trapped in a cycle of fear and dependence. While economic and financial abuse often get used interchangeably, there are some distinctions to remember, especially in the context of domestic violence. Today, we shed light on the ways financial and economic abuse can manifest, to inspire action and validate the experiences of those mums dealing with the fallout.

Financial Abuse vs Economic Abuse

Financial abuse focuses specifically on controlling a person's access to and use of money. It comes under the Umbrella of economic abuse.

Economic abuse takes a broader view, encompassing not just the control of someone's money but also the power over someone's overall economic well-being. 

The Invisible Chains of Economic Abuse

Imagine a life where every purchase requires approval, every bank statement is scrutinized, and earning a pay check feels like a privilege, not a right. This is the reality for many mums caught in the web of financial abuse. Perpetrators wield money as a tool for control, stripping victims of their financial autonomy and leaving them vulnerable and in need. 

How Economic Abuse Plays Out: 

The Impact on Mums and Children

The consequences of financial abuse extend far beyond the immediate financial hardship. It impacts a mum's ability to care for herself and her children, leading to:


Mums, you are not alone! Breaking free from financial abuse requires courage and support, but it is possible to reclaim control.

By providing information, resources, and a platform for support, we can empower mums to break free from financial abuse and build a brighter future for themselves and their children. Remember, every action, big or small, can make a difference.

Here's how you can help:

By shining a light on this hidden form of abuse, we can empower mums and enable them to build a brighter future for their families, breaking the cycle of abuse for good.

Together, let's break the chains of financial abuse and build a future where every mum can thrive.