Min (Our mother's) Stories

Mums In Need (MIN) has one clear mission: to empower mums facing the trauma of coercive control and domestic abuse. We are dedicated to helping them rebuild their lives and create a safe future for themselves and their children.

But the real impact of our work lies in the stories of the women we support: Learn how we've helped below: (Names have been changed to protect identities)

Demi, 37

"I would say you are the best charity I know of, in how you tailor your support to women. You cover all the different areas with the different sessions you offer. 

The level of support and knowledge covered with you having lived experience and then all the other services with other professionals that have their own knowledge. I’m really happy!"

Ana, 29

"Mums In Need have helped me so much in recognising the different forms of coercive control. 

Helped with confidence building; assigned a support worker for 1 on 1 support; helped navigate court system; referring to other organisations if needs be for various issues e.g. legal, counselling; meeting other women and children who are going througn similar situations; group workshops; no time limits in working with unlike some others."

Becky, 38

"You made me, me again. I will forever and I mean forever be in your debt. You have no idea what you did for me. The weekly calls, the legal support - you even sorted my divorce and funded it! Oh my god, you set me free! Free from a life of hell. You did all that! Your team, your charity, your help. You saved my life. 

If you could see me now, I am me. I am strong, I am happy and I am thankful because it made me who I am today. But I wouldn’t be here today without you."

Hannah, 32

"It is a lifeline for me to be able to speak with the Caseworkers at MIN as I know it is a safe space where people understand. It helps me manage my PTSD and emotional well being. I would be totally lost , weak and very alone in this harrowing experience if it wasn't for MIN.

Cheng, 45

"The support of MIN is crucial to me during this time - emotional support, legal advice, safety advice and just knowing that I’m not alone in this and there is someone I can talk to, via telephone, email or live chat, to help me through this really difficult time.   "

Jenna, 39

"There are no other local domestic abuse services who support women experiencing emotional, psychological and post-separation abuse" 

Tracey, 43

"MIN helped me counteract the terrible impact that domestic abuse and post-separation coercive control had on my mental health."

Chantelle, 30

"It was such a relief to find Mums In Need. At the time I was so overwhelmed trying to protect my children from emotional abuse. Professionals just didn't get it. I feel understood and validated" 

Emily, 27

"Since accessing MIN it has helped build my confidence and have felt understood by people going through my similar situations.   "

Gemma, 25

"Their invaluable support has helped me to cope and understand the family court process"

Louise, 43 

"Just thank you for being there"

Sarah, 41  

"You listened and you didn't judge"

Mariam, 39

"As ever really useful advice about dealing with the problem at hand. Most other people will encourage me to do this, that or the other to try and sort it out with my daughter's dad, always to my detriment. I was refreshing to be given techniques to help things within my own control, in particular supporting my daughter as best I can from my end without someone assuming her dad is going to respond to me like a reasonable person.

Cate, 40

"There are not enough words to say thank you and describe my gratitude for all the support and kind words I received. Laura and her team are helping me to get through the hardest period of my life - the family court proceedings. Having 1:1 sessions help me to not go crazy with all of the things happening in court. Thank you for all you do"

Trisha, 31

"Mums In Need is the only continuous support that I have had. I would go as far as saying that the charity is life saving"

Linda, 37  

"Having contact with other people that are in a similar situation knowing that you are not alone or crazy despite what you are told"

Amanda, 28

"This is an aspect of the MIN network and other support groups that I have been particularly grateful for in my own journey. It does help to talk and I find it much easier to talk to others who recognise my experiences and validate them". 

Sarah, 32

"The fact you feel your not alone in experiencing this area of abuse, but it is recognised by mums in need they specialise in this area. So this has helped me so much. Laura is amazing I am eternally grateful for her support and wise words"  

Heather, 33 

"I contacted Mums In Need just weeks after my husband moved out and at a point when I was feeling very misunderstood by a number of people, including close friends. It was so good to meet the founder because I felt instantly understood, especially knowing she had been through similar things. I didn’t need to try and explain – she just ‘got it’ instantly. She would always make our meetings informal and relaxed over a coffee, and I always felt like she was genuinely interested in me and how things were going. Many of our sessions were done via email as this was the easiest way for me to offload while supporting three children on my own. She has been really enthusiastic in helping me emotionally and practically. I don’t know how I would have done it without her. It has also been lovely meeting up with her for moral support. Her experience has informed mine in various ways, such as me persevering in seeking legal aid where I may have otherwise given up. She’s a very open person, which makes me feel comfortable to talk about very personal issues with her even though I have only recently met her. Her compassion and commitment to Mums in Need truly shines through." 

 Emma, 29 

“I was really struggling financially and as a single mum, I was constantly worrying about it. I was very nervous about getting in touch with Mums In Need, but after the initial consultation, I felt much more at ease. She was very friendly and understanding, and it felt like a massive weight had been lifted off my shoulders. We had five further conversations, and she helped me to organise a budget that I could stick to, and I got my finances under control. Now I have one less major thing to worry about- I’m so glad I got in contact!” 

Johleen, 36  

"It has been a pleasure working with Mums In Need. The founder not only cares passionately about what she does, but also has a deep knowledge of her subject. She is a great listener and her friendly and welcoming personality makes you feel instantly at ease. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her to any mums that are facing difficulties whilst separating from the father of their children." 

Emily, 33

"The value of an understanding  cannot be underestimated, especially in a society where emotional abuse is not understood well "

Lucy, 43

"The positivity! Also I really liked starting with sharing how we came to MIN as well"

Kirsty, 42  

"Feeling validated. Listening to people who are coping better with abuse having learned ways to handle the person better. Feeling supported "

Wendy, 39

"I've only started with MIN recently. It has already helped my confidence but I know the impact going forward will be much stronger" 

Camila, 32 

"They're supporting me and my children, I would not like to think how much more difficult my situation would be without their support. It has been an absolute lifeline for me."

Gabriela, 37

"I've only started with MIN recently. It has already helped my confidence but I know the impact going forward will be much stronger" 

Frequent challenges our Min's face