Our Mission & Values
Our Mission:
Mums In Need exists to improve support for mums who have experienced coercive control and post-separation abuse. We are striving to encourage this at all levels by:
Providing practical guidance and emotional support to mums who have left abusive partners and are suffering ongoing coercive control, and living with post-separation abuse.
To make a positive impact in the future by encouraging societal and policy change.
To empower mums with skills and confidence to move forward with their lives.
Our Values:
We value our Mums and their families:
We act with compassion and integrity towards our mums and their families.
We respect our mums and their families and put them first in all we do.
We are responsive to individual’s needs and will work flexibly with our mums.
We support the rights of our mums who have left abusive partners to emotional support.
We will seek the right of mums to gain skills and confidence to move forward after suffering abuse.
We value the importance of a safe environment where mums who have been in emotionally abusive relationships to share personal experiences with honesty and acceptance.
We value our corporate supporters:
Mums In Need value the importance of corporate supporters, and the impact that they make with their contributions.
We recognise the benefit of working with other organisations, as a way to raise awareness about the charity, and the work we do to support women who are experiencing post-separation abuse.
We value our supporters:
We value the importance of our supporters and donors, and are grateful for the work that we can do because of them.
With the help of regular donations, and one off donations we are able to directly support our mums with more practical and well being support.
We value our team:
We value the whole MIN team who supports our work.
We appreciate the hard work of our paid staff, volunteers and Trustees.
We aim to give our team an environment where they can feel at ease, and offer our team a range of support when they need it.