
Not eligible for our support, but still need help?

Here are other local agencies that might be able to support you:

Domestic Abuse Support Services

0808 808 2241 (Sheffield)

0808 2000 247 (National 24 hour helpline)

Sheffield Women's Aid is our local branch and helps women and children in the Sheffield area. Many areas of the UK have a branch of Women’s Aid locally, so please Google to find yours if it’s not listed here. 

0808 2000 247 (24 hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline).

Other Resources


Legal Support Services

Housing Support Services

Financial Support Services

Support for Stalking

If you are in immediate danger ring 999.

If you cannot speak press 55 so that the operator will transfer you to the ‘silent solution’. 

Other resources:

Our counsellor Heidi has put together some resources which might provide useful.


HowlTruth specialises in literature about abuse. They have collections covering child, domestic, sexual, and systematic abuse, personality disorders, systems of power and oppression, and books to heal. 

After escaping an abusive relationship, HowlTruth's founder found books helped her break free from her own demons and heal. 

Books at HowlTruth have been carefully selected by others harmed by abuse. So we hope the messages in their pages will give you strength and support you on your healing journey.

HowlTruth believes anyone harmed by abuse deserves respect, safety and freedom to heal. We are changing the narrative through community, literature and conversation.

See if we are able to support you:

Post Separation - The Challenges Ahead

Post-Separation--The-Challenges-Ahead-By-Stella-Eden- (1).pdf.pdf

Living with worry and anxiety amidst global uncertainty:


developed by Dr Matthew Whalley & Dr Hardeep Kaur, and includes both information and exercises.