Hope you’re all well! Apologies for the delay in blogs, we’ve had slight changes within our team of volunteers over the past few months, but will be back to regular monthly blogs now.
October was domestic violence awareness month, which saw a campaign across our social media raising awareness of Coercive Control. You can read more information about what Coercive Control is on our website here What is Coercive Control? (mumsinneed.com)
We also have been very lucky to have some amazing sponsors for our 100 club over the past few months. B&B vehicle contracts sponsored us in October, and IFM insurance are sponsoring us for November. You can view our monthly draw from the end of November here Mums In Need 100 Club Draw - October 2021 - YouTube
LensGo have very kindly filmed a promo film with MIN/City Taxis. This is now available to watch on our youtube here Mums in Need: CityCharity - YouTube. There is also the very exciting news that this Friday the 26th November, Mums In Need will be featuring in the documentary Womanhood. Womanhood discusses coercive control and its impact, and it will be airing on BBC2 this Friday at 9pm. Make sure you tune in and give it a watch! You can watch a preview of it here BBC Two - Womanhood, Womanhood
In terms of Fundraising, one of our trustees Antony ran the Sheffield 101010 which was a trail/pavement 10k on the 10th October. He raised an incredible £655.45 (£775.56 with gift aid) through donations - thank you so much Antony and thank you to the public for all your generous donations!
We also now have both depop and vinted up and running, both of which can be followed here: depop.com/mumsinneed/
This month we sadly said goodbye to our Secretary to the board of trustees, Andrea. Andrea has been a key part of our team and we will be sad to see her go after 3 years of volunteering with us. We wish her all the best and are very grateful for all her support over the past few years.