Tapton School - First Give Event

After our announcement at the end of 2023 that a Y8 class from Tapton School in Sheffield chose Mums In Need for their "First Give program," the class has been working together to conduct social action, raise funds, and spread awareness to aid in supporting our cause.

Their project ultimately led them to compete in a school final in March 2024, where a class from the year group had the chance to secure an additional £1000 for their selected charity.

Mums In Need were honoured to receive an invitation to the school final and were were thrilled to witness the students' talents and dedication.. While we didn’t win the extra funds, we were delighted to back the initiative and found it rewarding to educate and motivate the next generation to address coercive control and post separation abuse.

We’d like to thank the students who selected Mums In Need as their charity and dedicated their efforts to our cause. Their outstanding work in raising funds and awareness for Mums In Need is truly commendable, and we are incredibly grateful for their support.

We'd also like to congratulate the fellow Y8 class and their chosen charity, Flourish who received the additional funds!